Saturday, September 08, 2007

New Blogs

Hello friends, I was a bit silent from last few months. So now I am coming up with really something strong. I don't know if I would be able to succeed or not?

I have just now creating SEO blog for my friends, where we can discuss issues related to internet marketing, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, search engine marketing etc. Hopefully we can be able to create a platform where user can get the required information regarding SEO and SEM.

Two three days back I created Car Review India website, which is a pligg site for news related to automobile industry. Hopefully this website will create a nice position in the field of automobile sites.

Watch out for more websites, which I am going to create in near future. I will announce here regarding them.

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Submit your article!

Just now I created a word press blog at Go for article is a place where you can submit any content written on any topic, and we will discuss those articles. Hopefully I will get a good amount of articles on my site.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Right Tips to Face an Interview!

Being a student you fly in the air without any fear and anxiety. But soon you finish your studies; you enter into the fourth stage of your life….the life full of struggles and kicks. You really, enter into a new world, where your motive is to earn employment. It is that phase where you have to face various interviews and seriously speaking …its very tough to get job at one time…you really have to move from office to office in search of a perfect job.

It is very true that experience makes the man perfect, but what if when you are new! Here in this section we are going to deal with some of the interviewing tips especially for a newcomer in this field…following these simple tips you can definitely reach to the point of success.

Basically, there are various kinds of interviews such as general interview, telephonic interview, personal interview; face-to-face interview, computer interview, video interview etc; all these interviews require the same pattern and tips. The various tips includes:

Study about the company profile: Before going to the interview, study about the company profile in advance so that you can impress the interviewer from your knowledge of the company. It also reflects to the interviewer that you are keen to join his/her company.

Reach on Time: - Plan to arrive 10 minutes early before the interview schedule. This will give you ample time to catch your breath, gather your thoughts and make a quick trip to the washroom to give your appearance one final check. To avoid unnecessary stress, choose your interview attire the night before.

Greet the interviewer: - Greet the interviewer by his or her last name and with a smiling face. If you are unsure of the pronunciation, do ask the employer to repeat it. Or better check it with the front desk personnel or receptionist before walking into the interview room.

Don’t lead the Conversation: - Let the interviewer lead the conversation but try to get him/her to describe the position and duties to you early in the interview. This will allow you to apply your background, skills and achievements to the position.

Focused Answers: - When asked: "Tell me about yourself?", focus your answers on your background and a few professional and personal accomplishments.

Emphasize on your achievement: - Stress on your achievements. For example: your sales records, the processes you have developed or systems installed, projects that you initiated, etc.

Show enthusiasm: - This can be demonstrated through verbal and non-verbal cues (for example, appropriate body language like nodding can be used to support your interest). Enthusiastic feedback can enhance your chances of being further considered.

Emphasize on your commitments: - Answer questions by speaking in terms of the position. Emphasize what you can do for the company. Mention specific accomplishments that show your abilities and determination to succeed in this job. Your answers describe the position and duties to you early in the interview. This will allow you to apply your background, skills and achievements to the position. Should tell the employer why you would be an asset to the company and not why you need a job.

Hold extra copy of your resume: - Bring an extra copy of your resume.

Describe answers correctly: - Explain whenever possible; don't answer with a simple "yes" or "no."

Be prepared to answer questions such as:

Tell me about yourself.

Tell me about your background and accomplishments.

What are your strengths? Weaknesses?

How would you describe your most recent job performance?

What interests you about our company?

Also, be prepared to ask questions such as:

What would I be expected to accomplish in this position?

What are the greatest challenges in this position?

How do you think I fit the position?

If you are interested in the position, stress this to the interviewer. If you get the impression that the interview is not going well and that you have already been rejected, do not let your discouragement show. Once in a while an interviewer who is genuinely interested in you may seem to discourage you as a way of testing your reaction. Remember to thank the interviewer for his/her time and end the session with a confident and firm handshake.

Remember, your lack of questions may be mistaken as lack of interest in the job.

REPRINT RIGHTS statement: This article is free for republishing by visitors provided the Author Bio box is retained as usual so that all links are Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Author Bio:

Alok Vats is associated with Vjobs. If you are looking for a Job Search, read these tips seriously and then post resume here for free, so that you can get the interview call.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Power of Mozilla Firefox!

Firefox is spreading.

When I joined my very first company way back in 2004, I was only aware with single web browser Internet Explorer (IE). After few days I came to know about one more browsers and that was Mozilla Firefox. From that day I have never used IE again and even in my next company I recommended Mozilla to all of my colleagues. I feel so much comfortable while working in Mozilla that I will surely tell everyone that it is the best.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Free web hosting!

I was searching for a website which provides us a free hosting, and that is also without imposing their ads. I have tried so many sites, but didn’t get the satisfaction. Ultimately I found one of the website AXcities, which provide us:

  • NO ads on user pages!
  • 1000 mb of storage space.
  • Free domain.
  • Instant account activation.
  • Easy to use file manager.
  • 10 MB file size limit.
  • PHP files allowed (PHP 4.4).
  • Knowledgable customer support.
  • Much much more!

So I have just created one site (But yes it is a page of their site, not my own domain, but who cares!) for submitting the articles, hence I have given the name of articles home. I have not yet created the home page but I have created the forum section, in which any user can submit their own article, and then other members will review their article and if they found it good then we will post it in the main section of the article home. So I thought that I will not check the every article submitted by users, as normally happen in the case of article’s site, our site will create a new trend of article review from the community. And ultimately only articles of 3-4 good reviews can only get the chance to be placed in the main site. Also in the beginning we can choose some articles of less standard as good too, but with time we will make the process tight. Let’s build the community for the article review. We will surely create the path for others.

For our submission guidelines please click here!


Monday, January 29, 2007

How robots.txt is helpful for your site?

We all know about robots.txt. robots.txt is a simple file, which allow search engine bots to crawl or don't crawl the pages of your website. You can guide search engine bot by your own way. You can select control access to all of your files folders etc. by your self. For more information on robots.txt please click here.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Search Engine Marketing & Optimization Event!

The Premier Event for Search Engine Marketing & Optimization is going to held on February 13th to February 15th, 2007, in London. No one will afford to miss it!

Event Overview:

* Organized by world-renowned search authority Chris Sherman;
* Delivers real-time actionable information you need to grow your business through search engine marketing;
* Teaches the ins-and-outs of search engine marketing from top search experts and the search engines themselves;
* Provides a unique setting to network with fellow marketers and search engine industry professionals and discuss the trends in search engine marketing;
* Grants access to the world's most comprehensive gathering of search engine marketing & optimization-related solutions providers and potential partners & affiliates;

What You Will Learn:

* How search engines list web sites for free and through paid placements
* How to get free "organic" traffic by building a site that pleases search engines and your visitors
* How to efficiently purchase listings guaranteed to rank your company at the top of search engine results
* How to calculate the ROI of your search marketing efforts by tracking your visitors from the time they hit your site until they buy—and get tips on improving conversion if they don't!
* How to build links that generate traffic to your web site, and how to avoid the penalties of "spamming" the search engines
* What's coming next in the constantly evolving world of web search, and how you can profit from those changes.

Get the latest event information at the SES Blog and